Monday, November 9, 2009


In celebration for the Bucs big win yesterday, I wore this today. And yes, Gaines Adams WAS traded.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Second Jersey

As I was watching that Indianapolis/Houston game today I took to taking a picture of my attire for today. Unfortunately I lost to Sam "Bartender" Neidermann in the battle of jerseys. His Bob Sanders jersey won but his guy's out for the year. Oh well. Presenting the "Battle Red" Texans jersey. Vote in the new poll I'll be putting up. Also, comment away if you wish.

EDIT: Which one of you CCSLCers hate the monochrome?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The First Jersey... what the blog is well named for... this:

Epic Success or Epic Fail? You decide.

Welcome to Lime Green and More!

I'm well Alex Carson and have a huge collection of jerseys to say the least. The lime green Seahawks one is my favorite... what's yours? We can also talk about jersey news and such so welcome!